G e o S t a t
Geometry & Statistics in acquisition data
Thursday, 17 February 2011 14:53


Oriol PONT


Researcher (Inria Research Positions)

@ | Tel. +33 (0)5 24 57 41 09


Oriol Pont


Research interests:

  • Stochastic, multiresolution, nonlinear signal processing - theory and methods
  • Analysis of geophysical turbulence, speech signals and other complex systems (1D, 2D, 3D)
  • Analysis of heartbeat dynamics

see my theoretical, methodological and applicative contributions to the Team strategy.

Research plan context:

at GeoStat: coincidence in main objectives, Ph.D. supervisions

at INRIA: implicated in INRIA Strategic Plan : Complex systems, environment, computational medecine

at Bordeaux:

IHU LIRYC "rhythmology and heartbeat modelling" (CHU Bordeaux, INSERM, U. Bordeaux II)

Aerospace Valley cluster (research in the Earth observation branch)

CTP (Pyrenees Working Community), climate research and inter-university cooperation

other INRIA teams. Collaboration initiated: CARMEN.

Last Updated on Thursday, 26 March 2015 19:06