G e o S t a t
Geometry & Statistics in acquisition data
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2022: Post-doctoral position at INRIA Bordeaux: Glottal source inverse filtering for the analysis and classification of pathological speech. Description.


2021: Post-doctoral position at INRIA Bordeaux: Inference of regional patterns affected by ENSO dynamics. Description.


2021: Post-doctoral position at INRIA Bordeaux: Data-based inference of ecosystem memory and dynamics. Description.


2021: Ingénieur développement - Inria Bordeaux Sud-Ouest: Conception d’une architecture logicielle pour une application en apprentissage statistique (analyse et classification des voix pathologiques). Description.


2021: Post-doctoral position at INRIA Bordeaux: Sparse predictive models for the analysis and classification of pathological speech. Description.

Last Updated on Friday, 18 February 2022 10:32