Hussein Yahia Print

CR, HDR (2002), Head of project team GeoStat (Geometry and statistics in acquisition data), INRIA Bordeaux-Sud-Ouest (2010). GeoStat EPI created in 2011 (INRIA's CEO decision n. 7886, May 31, 2011) after international evaluation.

HAL database publication export.

Research and contributions

  • General research line: statistical physics methods in signal processing :
    • determination of universality classes’ signatures in acquisition signals,
    • multiresolution analysis and optimal inference along the scales of complex signals, super-resolution
    • sparsity, compact representations,
    • measures of the predictability in complex and turbulent signals, reconstruction,
    • determination of the transitions in signals using methods of statistical physics,
    • new methods for analyzing ocean dynamics from remote sensing data
    • reconstruction of the optical phase perturbated by turbulent atmosphere
        in astronomical imaging (adaptive optics),
    • Analysis of turbulent signals in the interstellar medium (GENESIS project with Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Bordeaux and Physik Inst. Köln University).

Editorial boards

    Elsevier's Digital Signal Processing
  • Member of the editorial board of Elsevier's "Digital Signal Processing" journal. From 2011 to mid 2014.

  • Frontiers in Fractal PhysiologyFrontiers in Fractal Physiology
  • Member of the editorial board of "Frontiers in Fractal Physiology" journal (link to Frontiers' editorial board) .

Invited speaker sessions

  • - Invited speaker, Colloqium SFB956, Université de Cologne, Physikalische InstituteEvidencing phase transitions HI/H2 in galactic molecular clouds". May 2017. (link to programme) .
  • - Invited speaker at the Workshop in "Mathematics in Network Science: Implication to Socially Coupled Systems November 21-23, 2011", Torino (Italy) organized and supported by the Institute for Scientific Interchange (ISI) Foundation. (link to website) .
  • - Invited speaker in the session "Non linear physical and biogeophysical processes in the atmosphere and ocean" at the AGU fall meeting, San Francisco, 5-9 December 2011.
  • - Invited speaker at the 2012 EGU (European Geophysical Union) in Vienna, session "Nonlinear, scaling and complex Physical and Biogeophysical Processes in the Atmosphere and Ocean" for presenting the work: High-resolution ocean dynamics from microcanonical formulations in non linear complex signal analysis". Link to EGU page .
  • - Invited speaker (with O. Pont and B. Xu) at IEEE EMBC 2013: 35th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Osaka, July 3-7, 2013. Presented paper: "Arrythmic dynamics from singularity analysis of electrocardiographic maps".
  • - Invited speaker (with D. Singh) at the India-CEFIPRA workshop in ICST "Challenges in overcoming complexity, from big data to cyberphysical systems”, April 4 - 5, 2013, New Delhi- India, Bhagirathi Building - IIT Delhi. Title of presentation: "Advanced nonlinear approaches for handling complex datasets and acquisitions in Earth Observations and Universe Sciences". HAL open archive.
  • - Keynote speaker, ISIVC Conference (International Symposium on signal, Image, Video and Communications, ISIVC 2014), November 19 - 21, 2014, Marrakech, Morocco. Title of presentation: "Edges, transitions, criticality: novel nonlinear characterizations of low-level transition features in signal processing and applications to cross-scale inference in complex signals.". Keynote speakers conference web page.
  • - Invited speaker and member of scientific committee, IEEE ICIIS 2016 Conference, Roorkee, India. Conference web page.

Tutorial invited sessions, courses

  • IEEE Oceans'2016 conference, Shanghai, April 2016. Tutorial's title: "Novel Nonlinear Methods in Image Processing for Analyzing Ocean Datasets". IEEE-MTS Oceans 2016 .
  • GIAN courses, India, IIT Roorkee, 2016, title: "Advances in signal procesing for Earth Observation".

CNU (Conseil National des Universités)

  • Member, titulary, section 61.

Conferences, workshops & meetings: organizing and technical program committees

  • - Organization of the conferenceSignals & Physics in October 2016, Inria Paris.
  • - INDIA CEFIPRA workshop in ICST, “Challenges in overcoming complexity, from big data to cyber-physical systems”, April 4 - 5, 2013, New Delhi- India, (member of the organizing and technical program committees).
  • - 12th International Conference on Analysis and Optimization of Systems: images, wavelets and PDEs (ICAOS 1996, Paris): member of the technical program committee.
  • - Journées d’Etude sur les Méthodes pour les Signaux Complexes en Traitement d’Image, (INRIA, 2003): organizing and technical program committee.
  • - Standards for Facial Animation (NFS Workshop, University of Pennsylvania, USA, 1993): member of the technical program committee.
  • - ERCIM workshop on Environmental Modelling, (Versailles, 1990): member of the technical program committee.
  • - WMC 2000 (San Diego, USA): member of the technical program committee.
  • - RTRA-STAE Workshop on Geometrical and Multiscale approaches for predictability and analysis of complex data in astrophysics and geophysics (May 18-19, 2009, Montaigut-sur-save, France): organizing and technical program committee.
  • - Member of scientific committee, IEEE ICIIS 2016 Conference, Roorkee, India. Conference web page.

Reviewing panels

  • ACM Siggraph conference (1993,1995), CVPR'97, IMACOM’93 (Bordeaux 1993), ICASSP and IGARSS (1999-2005), International Journal of Remote Sensing, AFCET-GROPLAN 1988, Pixim 1989, Oceans 1998, Third Eurographics Workshop on Animation and Simulation (Cambridge, 1992), PRC Communication Homme-Machine working group, ORASIS 1997, International Journal for Computer-Aided Engineering and Software (2006), 8th Eurographic Workshop on Visualization in Scientific Computing (Boulogne-sur-mer, France, 28-30 avril 1997),  Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans (2006), Pattern Recognition Letters, RFIA (2004).

Contracts and project management

  • - Geostat is a member of the GENESIS project with the Astrophysics group of the University of Cologne.
  • - EPI GeoStat creation (INRIA CEO decision n° 7886, May 31, 2011).
  • -NASA-CNES-OSTST: ICARODE project (2013-2016).
  • -NASA-CNES-OSTST: HIRESUBCOLOR project (2008-2012).
  • - INRIA Fibaur ARC (starting march 2011).
  • - FP7 Oceanflux (2011-2014).
  • - PHC Volubilis (2010-2012).
  • - Aquitaine Région funded project OPTAD (2010-2013).
  • - Midi-Pyrenées funded RTRA-STAE Workshop and emerging project (2009).
  • - INRIA Thalweg ARC (2002-2004).
  • - PHC Egide Plumesat (2005-2007).
  • - FP6 Thetis European contract (1998-2001).
  • - Dassault-Industries (Action3D, 1987-1989).
  • - AMIBE contract (1994-1996).

Major Publications (with links)

International journals

  • A. Rashidi, H. Yahia et al.
    Description of turbulent dynamics in the interstellar medium: Multifractal microcanonical analysis: II. Sparse filtering of Herschel observation maps and visualization of filamentary structures at different length scales
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2024. HAL.
  • G. Sing Phartiyal, D. Singh and H. Yahia
    Improved Mapping of Flood Affected Villages in India: A Novel Three-Stage Approach Using PolSAR Polarization Signatures and Ensembled Dilated CNNs
    International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2023. HAL.
  • G. Sing Phartiyal, D. Singh and H. Yahia
    Synergistic Exploitation of localized Spectral-Spatial and Temporal Information with DNNs for Multisensor-Multitemporal Image-Based Crop Classification
    International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 2023. HAL.
  • S. K. Maji and H. Yahia
    Image Denoising in Fluorescence Microscopy using Feature based Gradient Reconstruction
    SPIE Journal of Medical Imaging, 2023. HAL.
  • H. Aetesam, S. Kumar Maji, H. Yahia
    Bayesian approach in a learning-based hyperspectral image denoising framework
    IEEE Access (open access) HAL.
  • H. Yahia et. al.
    Description of turbulent dynamics in the interstellar medium: multifractal/microcanonical analysis I. Application to Herschel observations of the Musca filament
    Astronomy & Astrophysics HAL. Arxiv.
  • L. Bonne et. al.
    Formation of the Musca filament: evidence for asymmetries in the accretion flow due to a cloud-cloud collision
    Astronomy & Astrophysics HAL.
  • G. Phartiyal, N. Brodu, D. Singh, H. Yahia, K. Daoudi
    Permuted Spectral and Permuted Spectral-Spatial CNN Models for PolSAR- Multispectral Data based Land Cover Classification
  • A. El Aouni et. al.
    Robust Detection of the North-West African Upwelling From SST Images
    IEEE Geoscience & Remote Sensing Letters HAL.
  • S. K. Maji, R. K. Thakur, H. Yahia
    Structure-preserving denoising of SAR images using multifractal feature analysis
    IEEE Goescience & Remote Sensing letters, 2020, HAL.
  • A. El Aouni, K. Daoudi, H. Yahia, S. K. Maji, K. Minaoui
    Defining Lagrangian coherent vortices from their trajectories
    Physics of Fluids, American Institute of Physics, 2020, HAL.
  • A. El Aouni, V. Garçon, J. Sudre, H. Yahia, K. Daoudi, K. Minaoui
    Physical and Biological Satellite Observations of the Northwest African Upwelling: Spatial Extent and Dynamics
    IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. IEEE Xplore. HAL.
  • A. El Aouni, H. Yahia, K. Daoudi, K. Minaoui
    A Fourier approach to Lagrangian vortex detection
    Chaos, American Institute of Physics, 29, 093106. Link to Chaos. HAL.
  • S. Maji, H. Yahia
    A Feature based Reconstruction Model for Fluorescence Microscopy Image Denoising
    Scientific Reports, Nature Publishing Group, 2019, 9 (1). Link to Nature Scientific Reports. HAL.
  • G. Attuel, E. Gerasimova, F. Argoul, H. Yahia and A. Arnéodo
    Multifractal desynchronization of the cardiac excitable cell network during atrial fibrillation. II. Modeling
    Frontiers in Physiology. Link to Frontiers in Physiology article. HAL.
  • A. El Aouni, K. Daoudi, H. Yahia , K. Minaoui, A. Benazzouz
    Surface mixing and biological activity in the North-West African upwelling
    Chaos, American Institute of Physics, 29 (1), pp 0111042018, 2019. HAL.
  • H. Yahia , V. Garçon, J. Sudre, C. Maes
    Effect of wind stress forcing on ocean dynamics at air-sea interface
    Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering, 2018. HAL.
  • A. Tamim, K. Minaoui, K. Daoudi, H. Yahia et al.
    Automatic Detection of Moroccan Coastal Upwelling Zones using Sea Surface Temperature Images
    International Journal of Remote Sensing, Taylor & Francis, 2018. HAL.
  • I. Hernandez-Carrasco, V. Garçon, J. Sudre, C. Garbe, H. Yahia
    Increasing the Resolution of Ocean pCO₂ Maps in the South Eastern Atlantic Ocean Merging Multifractal Satellite-Derived Ocean Variables
    IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2018. HAL.
  • G. Attuel, E Gerasimova-Chechkina, F. Argoul, H. Yahia, A. Arneodo
    Multifractal desynchronization of the cardiac excitable cell network during atrial fibrillation. I. Multifractal analysis of clinical data.
    Frontiers in Physiology. Link to Frontiers in Physiology article. HAL.
  • G. Attuel et al.
    Multifractal desynchronization of the cardiac excitable cell network during atrial fibrillation. II. Modeling gap junctions dynamically
    Frontiers in Physiology, in preparation.
  • O. Yelekçi et al.
    Spatial and Seasonal Distributions of Frontal Activity over the French Continental Shelf in the Bay of Biscay
    Continental Shelf Research, Elsevier, 2017. HAL.
  • H. Badri, H. Yahia
    A Non-Local Low-Rank Approach to Enforce Integrability
    IEEE Transactions on Image Processing , 2016. HAL.
  • H. Badri, H. Yahia, D. Aboutajdine
    Low-Rankness Transfer for Realistic Denoising
    IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2016. HAL.
  • S. Kumar Maji, H. Yahia, T. Fusco
    A Multifractal-based Wavefront Phase Estimation Technique for Ground-based Astronomical Observations
    IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2016. HAL.
  • J. Sudre, H. Yahia, O. Pont, V. Garçon
    Ocean Turbulent Dynamics at Superresolution From Optimal Multiresolution Analysis and Multiplicative Cascade
    IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol. 53, IGRSD2, number 11, pp. 6274-6285, ISSN 0196-2892, November 2015. pdf.
  • A. Tamim, H. Yahia, K. Daoudi, K. Minaoui, A. Atillah, D. Aboutajdine, M. F. Smiej
    Detection of Moroccan coastal upwelling fronts in SST images using the microcanonical multiscale formalism
    Pattern Recognition Letters, 55, 2015. pdf.
  • I. Hernandez-Carrasco et al.
    Reconstruction of super-resolution fields of ocean pCO2 and air-sea fluxes of CO2 from satellite imagery in the Southeastern Atlantic
    Biogeosciences, 2015. HAL.
  • H. Badri, H. Yahia, D. Aboutajdine
    Fast Edge-Aware Processing via First Order Proximal Approximation
    IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2015. pdf.
  • A. Tamim, K. Minaoui, K. Daoudi, H. Yahia, A. Atillah, D. Aboutajdine
    An Efficient Tool for Automatic Delimitation of Moroccan Coastal Upwelling Using SST Images
    IEEE Geoscience & Remote Sensing Letters, 2014. pdf.
  • B. Xu, S. Jacquir, G. Laurent, S. Binczak, O. Pont, H. Yahia
    In vitro arrhythmia generation by mild hypothermia - a pitchfork bifurcation type process
    Physiological Measurement, 2014. HAL.
  • V. Khanagha, K. Daoudi, O. Pont, H. Yahia
    Phonetic segmentation of speech signal using local singularity analysis
    Digital Signal Processing, Elsevier, 2014 pdf.
  • V. Khanagha, K. Daoudi, H. Yahia
    Detection of Glottal Closure Instants based on the Microcanonical Multiscale Formalism
    IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing, 2014. pdf.
  • S. K. Maji, H. Yahia,
    Edges, Transitions and Criticality
    Pattern Recognition 47(6) 2104-2115, June 2014. pdf.
  • B. Xu, S. Jacquir, S. Binczak, O. Pont, H. Yahia,
    Cardiac arrhythmia induced by hypothermia in a cardiac model in vitro
    Journal of Electrocardiology, 2013.
    HAL open archive.
  • S. K. Maji, H. Yahia, H. Badri,
    Reconstructing an image from its edge representation
    Digital Signal Processing, Elsevier, 2013. pdf.
  • V. Khanagha, K. Daoudi, O. Pont, H. Yahia, A. Turiel,
    Non-linear speech representation based on local predictability exponents
    Neurocomputing, Elsevier, special issue on Non-linear speech processing, 2013. HAL. pdf.
  • O. Pont, A. Turiel, H. Yahia,
    Singularity analysis of digital signals through the evaluation of their Unpredictable Point Manifold
    International Journal of Computer Mathematics, Taylor and Francis, 2013, HAL. DOI.
  • O. Pont, M. Haissaïguerre, H. Yahia, N. Derval, M. Hocini
    Microcanonical processing methodology for ECG and intracardial potential: application to atrial fibrillation
    Transactions on Mass-Data Analysis of Images and Signals (ISSN:1868-6451), 4(1), 2012. pdf.
  • H. Yahia, J. Sudre, C. Pottier, V. Garçon
    Motion analysis in oceanographic satellite images using multiscale methods and the energy cascade
    Pattern Recognition, 43(10), pp. 3591–3604, Elsevier, (2010), pdf.
  • H. Yahia, A. Turiel, N. Chrysoulakis, J. Grazzini, P. Prastacos, and I. Herlin
    Application of the microcanonical multifractal formalism to the detection of fire plumes in noaa-avhrr data
    International Journal of Remote Sensing, Volume 29, Issue 14 2008, pp. 4189-4205, pdf.
  • A. Turiel , H. Yahia , C. Perez-Vicente
    Microcanonical multifractal formalism: a geometrical approach to multifractal systems. Part I: singularity analysis
    "Journal of Physics A: Math. Theor",2008, vol. 41, pdf.
  • N. Chrysoulakis, I. Herlin, P. Prastacos, H. Yahia, J. Grazzini and C. Cartalis
    An improved algorithm for the detection of plumes caused by natural or technological hazards using AVHRR imagery
    Remote Sensing of Environment (RSE), Volume 108, Issue 4, 29 Juin 2007, pages 393-406, pdf.
  • J. Grazzini, H. Yahia, A. Turiel and I. Herlin
    A multifractal approach for extracting relevant textural areas insatellite meteorological images
    Environmental Modelling & Software, 2007, 22(3) :323–334, direct access.
  • A. Turiel, J. Grazzini, and H. Yahia
    Multiscale techniques for the detection of precipitation using thermal ir satellite images
    IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, October 2005, 2(4) :447–450. pdf.
  • E. Huot, H. Yahia, I. Cohen, and I. L. Herlin
    Matching structures by computing minimal paths on a manifold
    Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, 2002, 13 :302–312, 2002. HAL.
  • J.P. Berroir, I. Herlin, F. Llirbat, J.P. Matsumoto, E. Simon, and H. Yahia
    Using scientific workflow techniques for automatic processing of environmental data
    System Analysis Modeling and Simulation (SAMS), Taylor and Francis, 2002, 42(11) :1601–1613, ISSN : 0020-7721, direct access.
  • J. P. Berroir, I. Cohen, D. Béréziat, S. Bouzidi, I. Herlin, and H. Yahia
    Traitement d’images et séquences de données océanographiques
    Océanis,Editions de l’Institut Océanographique, 1998, 24(3) :95–116, ISSN : 0182-0745.
  • J. Maillot, H. Yahia and A. Verroust
    Interactive Texture Mapping
    in Computer Graphics, ACM Siggraph, Computer Graphics Proceedings, Annual Conference Series, pages 27–34, Anaheim, CA, August 1-6 1993, Addison-Wesley, ISBN 0-201-58889-7, pdf.
  • C. Mathieu, C. Puech, and H. Yahia
    Average efficiency of data structures for binary image processing
    Information Processing Letters, October 1987, 26(2) :89–93. HAL, direct access.

Book chapters

  • A. Saha, S. K. Maji and H. Yahia
    A Review on Despeckling of the Earth's Surface Visuals Captured by Synthetic Aperture Radar
    In Multimedia Data Processing and Computing , CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Eds: S. Swarnkar, J. P. Patra, T. Anh Tran, B. Bhushan, S. Biswas HAL.
  • M. Kumar, S. K. Maji and H. Yahia
    3D Volumetric Computed Tomography from 2D X-rays: A Deep Learning Perspective
    Handbook of AI-Based Models in Healthcare and Medicine, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Ed: Chander, Guravaiah, B., Kumaravelan (in press)
  • Jayaramu H K, S. K. Maji and H. Yahia
    Personalized Multi-User based Movie and Video Recommender System: A Deep Learning Perspective
    Supervised and unsupervised data engineering for multimedia data, Wiley-Scrivener, Ed: S. Swarnkar, J P Patra, S. Khatri, Y. K. Rathore, Tien Anh Tran (in press)
  • G. Attuel, O. Pont, B. Xu, H. Yahia
    Sudden Cardiac Death and Turbulence
    in David Ruelle, Ferdinand Verhulst & Christos H. Skiadas Eds. The Foundations of Chaos Revisited: From Poincaré to Recent Advancements, Springer, 2016, in press.
  • J. Grazzini, A. Turiel and H. Yahia
    Multifractal Formalism for Remote Sensing : A Contribution to the Description and the Understanding of Meteorological Phenomena in Satellite Images
    in Miroslav M. Novak editor, Complexus Mundi. Emergent Patterns in Nature, 5 Toh Tuck Link, Singapore 596224. USA office : 27 Warren Street, Suite 401-402, Hackensack, NJ 07601, USA, ISBN 981-256-666-X, access (google books).
  • J. Grazzini, A. Turiel and H. Yahia
    Méthodes multiéchelles d'analyse d'images météorologiques inspirées de la thermodynamique: application à la détection de zones précipitantes dans les images infrarouges,

    Méthodes pour les signaux complexes en traitement d'image, H. Yahia et al. eds, INRIA éditeur, Dépot légal : 160404/100, ISBN 2-7261-1269-2, 2003.

International conferences with international reviewing panel

Analysis of complex signals

  • A. Rashidi et. al.
    Fast image deconvolution for enhancement of the resolution in the video rate terahertz imaging
    46th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, Oral presentation, 2021. HAL.
  • F. Schmitt, H. Yahia, J. Sudre, V. Garçon, G. Charria, B. Dewitte
    Scaling and anisotropic heterogeneities of ocean SST images from satellite data
    EGU 2020 Session NP2.1 "Nonlinear Multiscale and Stochastic Dynamics of the Earth System". HAL.
  • G. Charria, S. Theetten, A. Ayouche, C. Poppeschi, J. Sudre, H. Yahia, V. Garçon
    Multi-scale coastal surface temperature in the Bay of Biscay and the English Channel
    EGU 2020 Session NP2.1 "Nonlinear Multiscale and Stochastic Dynamics of the Earth System". HAL.
  • A. El Aouni, K. Daoudi, H. Yahia, K. Minaoui
    The contribution and influence of coherent mesoscale eddies off the North-West African Upwelling on the open ocean
    SIAM Conference on Mathematics of Planet Earth (MPE18). HAL.
  • L. Bonne, S. Bontemps, N. Schneider, T. Csengeri , H. Yahia, R. Günsten, G. Attuel, A. Roy, R. Simon
    Search for filamentary accretion through low velocity shocks
    2018 Science for the Atacama Pathfinder Experiment (APEX). HAL.
  • A. El Aouni, K. Daoudi, H. Yahia, K. Minaoui
    Coherent Vortex Detection from Particles Trajectories Analysis
    2018 SIAM Conference on Nonlinear Waves and Coherent Structures. HAL.
  • A. El Aouni, K. Daoudi, H. Yahia, K. Minaoui
    Surface Mixing and Biological Activity in The North African Upwelling
    AGU Ocean Sciences Meeting 2018. HAL.
  • G. S. Phartiyal, N. Brodu, D. Singh, H. Yahia
    A mixed spectral and spatial Convolutional Neural Network for Land Cover Classification using SAR and Optical data
    EGU General Assembly, Vienna, 2018. HAL.
  • A. El Aouni et al.
    Surface Mixing and Biological Activity in The North African Upwelling.
    AGU Ocean Sciences Meeting 2018, Feb 2018, Portland, USA. HAL.
  • J. Sudre, H. Yahia, C. Maes, V. Garçon,
    Effect of wind stress forcing on ocean dynamics at Air-Sea Interface
    SOLAS Conference, 15-18 May 2017, Cargese. HAL.
  • G. Attuel, H. Yahia
    Cardiac arrhythmias and Griffiths phase:desynchronization of excitable cells
  • A. El Aouni et al.
    An improved method for accurate computation of coastal upwelling index using Sea Surface Temperature Images
    AICCSA 2016. HAL.
  • A. Garg et al.
    A novel approach for optimal weight factor of DT-CWT coefficients for land cover classification using MODIS data
    Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2016 IEEE International, Beijing, China. HAL.
  • O. Pont et al.
    Complexity in Electrophysiological Dynamics. Emergence and measures of organization
    2nd BCAM Workshop on Nonlinear Dynamics in Biological Systems, September 2016, Bilbao, Spain. HAL.
  • A. El Aouni et al.
    Detection of Moroccan coastal upwelling using sea surface chlorophyll concentration
    AICCSA 2015. HAL.
  • G. Rosi et al.
    Caractérisation de la Réponse Ultrasonore d’Implant Dentaire : Simulation Numérique et Analyse des Signaux
    Congrès Français d'Acoustique 2016, Le Mans. HAL.
  • J. Sudre, H. Yahia, O. Pont and V. Garçon
    How to obtain ocean turbulent dynamics at super resolution from optimal multiresolution analysis and multiplicative cascade?
    GHER Colloquium. Submesoscale Processes: Mechanisms, Implications and new Frontiers, May 2016, Liege, Belgium, May 2016. HAL.
  • A. Garg, N. Brodu, H. Yahia, D. Singh
    An Approach to optimize the fusion coefficients for land cover information enhancement with multisensor data
    EGU General Assembly 2016, session: Thermo-hydro-mechanical couplings and deep geothermal energy , 2016. HAL.
  • O. Yelekçi et al.
    Spatial and Seasonal Distributions of Frontal Activity over the Continental Shelf in the Bay of Biscay, Focus on Density Fronts in Winter
    AGU Ocean Science Meeting, New Orleans, 21-26 , February 2016. HAL.
  • H. Yahia et al.
    General methodology for the derivation of high resolution oceanic data through information fusion at different scales
    ESA Living Planet Symposium, 2016. HAL.
  • G. Attuel, H. Yahia
    The role of abnormal inhibitory transmission at the gap junctions of cardiac cells in fibrillation
    Physical Principles of Biological and Active Systems, IOP Institute of Physics, Topical Meeting Edinburgh, United Kingdom, January 2016. HAL.
  • H. Yahia et al.
    General methodology for the derivation of high resolution oceanic data through information fusion at different scales
    ESA Living Planet Symposium, 2016. HAL.
  • G. Attuel, O. Pont, B. Xu, H. Yahia
    Sudden cardiac death and Turbulence
    The 8th International Conference (CHAOS2015) on Chaotic Modeling, Simulation and Applications, Paris, France 2015. HAL.
  • B. Xu, S. Jaquir, S. Binczak, H. Yahia, R. Dubois
    Classification of Cardiac Arrhythmia in vitro based on Multivariate Complexity Analysis
    Computing in Cardiology 2015. HAL.
  • N. Brodu, H. Yahia
    Multiscale Image Analysis with Stochastic Texture Differences
    (Invited oral keynote session)
    National Conference on Recent Advances in Electronics & Computer Engineering (RAECE 2015), IIT Roorkee, India February 13-15, 2015. HAL.
  • O. Yelekci, G. Charria, X. Capet, G. Reverdin, J. Sudre, H. Yahia
    Spatial and Seasonal Distributions of Frontal Activity over the French continental shelf in the Bay of Biscay observed from satellite Sea Surface Temperature
    Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 16, EGU2014-6952, EGU General Assembly 2014 2014. HAL.
  • H. Badri, H. Yahia, D. Aboutajdine
    Robust surface reconstruction via triple sparsity
    CVPR, 2014 HAL.
  • H. Badri, H. Yahia, K. Daoudi
    Fast and Accurate Texture Recognition with Multilayer Convolution and Multifractal Analysis
    ECCV 2014. HAL.
  • H. Badri, H. Yahia
    Handling noise in image deconvolution with local/non-local priors
    ICIP 2014. HAL.
  • I. Hernandez-Carrasco et al.
    Validation of inferred high resolution ocean pCO2 and air-sea fluxes with in-situ and remote sensing data.
    Earth Observation for Ocean-Atmosphere Interactions Science 2014 ESA-ESRIN 2014. HAL.
  • A. Garg, S. Vardan Naidu, H. Yahia, D. Singh
    Wavelet Based Resolution Enhancement for Low Resolution Satellite Images
    IEEE ICIIS2014. HAL.
  • S. Kumar Maji, T. Fusco, H. Yahia
    Cross-scale inference and wavefront reconstruction
    SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation, Session: Adaptive Optics Systems IV (Conference 9148) 2014 . HAL.
  • O. Yelekci, G. Charria, D. Mawren, X. Capet, G. Reverdin, F. Gohin, J. Sudre, H. Yahia
    Observing submesoscale activity in the Bay of Biscay with satellite-derived SST and Chlorophyll concentration
    Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 16, EGU2014-6952, EGU General Assembly 2014 2014. HAL.
  • I. Hernandez-Carrasco et al.
    Inference of super-resolution ocean pCO2 and air-sea CO2 fluxes from non-linear and multiscale processing methods
    Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 16, EGU2014-15142, EGU General Assembly 2014 2014. HAL.
  • A. Tamim, K. Minaoui, K. Daoudi, A. Atillah, H. Yahia, D. Aboutajdine
    An Efficient Tool for Automatic Delimitation of Moroccan Coastal Upwelling Using SST Images
    ISIVC, Marrakech, Morroco, 2014. HAL.
  • B. Xu, S. Binczak, S. Jaquir, O. Pont, H. Yahia
    Complexity analysis of experimental cardiac arrhythmia
    IEEE Tensymp, 2014. HAL.
  • B. Xu, S. Binczak, S. Jacquir, O. Pont, H. Yahia
    Parameters Analysis of FitzHugh-Nagumo Model for a Reliable Simulation
    36th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC'14) 2014. HAL.
  • H. Badri, H. Yahia, D. Aboutajdine,
    Fast Multi-Scale Detail Decomposition via Accelerated Iterative Shrinkage
    SIGGRAPH ASIA 2013. HAL. SIGGRAPH ASIA 2013 web site. ACM Digital Library.
  • B. Xu, O. Pont, G. Laurent, S. Jacquir, S. Binczak, H. Yahia
    Experimental study of arrhythmia due to mild therapeutic hypothermia after resuscitation of cardiac arrest
    Computing in Cardiology, 2013. CinC 2013 web site.
  • A. Tamim, K. Minaoui, K. Daoudi, H. Yahia, A. Atillah, M. F. Smiej, D. Aboutajdine,
    A simple and efficient approach for coarse segmentation of moroccan coastal upwelling
    Eusipco 2013, Marrakech, September 9th-13th, Morocco. Eusipco 2013 website. HAL.
  • J. Sudre, H. Yahia, V. Garçon,
    Analyse multirésolution opérée sur des exposants de singularité en formalisme microcanonique: détermination de la dynamique océanique et des échanges océan/atmosphère submésoéchelle
    XXIVe Colloque Gretsi - Traitement du Signal et des Images - Brest - 3 au 6 Sept 2013. HAL. Gretsi 2013 website.
  • B. Xu, S. Jacquir, O. Pont, H. Yahia
    Cardiac arrhytmia induced by hypothermia in a cardiac model in vitro
    40th International Congress on Electrocardiology (ICE 2013), Glasgow, UK, 2013.
  • J. Sudre, H. Yahia, O. Pont, C. Pottier, C. Maes, V. Garçon,
    Validation of high and super resolution ocean dynamics products
    European Spatial Agency (ESA) Conference, "Ocean surface currents: towards future mission concepts", 6-8 May 2013, ESA-ESTEC, The Netherlands. HAL.
  • O. Pont, H. Yahia , B. Xu,
    Arrythmic dynamics from singularity analysis of electrocardiographic maps
    IEEE EMBC 2013: 35th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Osaka, July 3-7, 2013.
  • O. Pont, H. Yahia, R. Dubois, M. Haissaguerre
    A Singularity-analysis Approach to characterize Epicardial Electric Potential
    Computing in Cardiology, vol. 39 (2012), ISSN 0276-6574. pdf.
  • S. K. Maji, O. Pont, H. Yahia, J. Sudre
    Inferring Information across Scales in Acquired Complex Signals
    European Conference on Complex Systems, ECCS'12, Brussels, 2012, The Complex Systems Society, Springer Verlag LNCS (number under way). HAL.
  • S. K. Maji, H. Yahia, O. Pont, J. Sudre, T. Fusco, V. Michau
    Towards Multiscale Reconstruction of Perturbated Phase from Hartmann-Shack Acquisitions
    IEEE NASA/ESA Conference on Adaptive Hardware and Systems (AHS-2012) AHS 2012 web site. pdf.
  • O. Pont, H. Yahia, R. Dubois
    Microcanonical multifractal analysis of electric potential maps on the heart surface
    FisEs 2012. pdf. HAL.
  • V. Khanagha, H. Yahia, K. Daoudi, O. Pont, A. Turiel
    Reconstruction of Speech Signals from their Unpredictable Points Manifold
    NoLISP 2011 (Non-Linear Speech Processing) Conference, Las Palmas, 07-09 November 2011.
    Published in the Springer LNAI (Lectures Notes on Artificial Intelligence<) proceedings, Advances in Nonlinear Speech Processing, Lectures Notes in Computer Science, vol. 7015, Subseries "Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence", ISBN 978-3-642-25019-4. Link to Springer on-line version.
  • O. Pont, M. Haissaguerre, H. Yahia, N. Derval, M. Hocini
    Heartbeat dynamics from a microcanonical multiscale approach
    Computing in Cardiology, 18-21 September, 2011, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China. Conference web site. HAL page with document.
  • O. Pont, A. Turiel and H. Yahia
    An Optimized Algorithm for the Evaluation of Local Singularity Exponents in Digital Signals
    in J. K. Aggarwal, R. P. Barneva, V. E. Brimkov, K. N. Koroutchev, E. R. Korutcheva Eds, Combinatorial Image Analysis, Springer Verlag, LNCS 6636, 2011. direct access. HAL archive.
  • O. Pont, M. Haissaguerre, H. Yahia, N. Derval and M. Hocini
    A novel analysis method to characterize heartbeat dynamics through the Microcanonical Multiscale Formalism
    6th International Conference on Mass Data Analysis of Images and Signals in Medecine, Biotechnology and Chemistry, August 30 - September 3, 2011, New York, USA.
  • V. Khanagha, K. Daoudi, O. Pont, H. Yahia
    Improving text-independant phonetic segmentation based on the microcanonical multiscale formalism
    2011 International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2011), May 22-27, Prague, Czech Republic, HAL archive.
  • O. Pont, M. Haissaguerre, H. Yahia, N. Derval, M. Hocini
    A Microcanonical Multifractal Approach to the Characterization of Heartbeat Dynamics
    FisEs 2011, June 2011, Barcelona, Spain. HAL archive.
  • S. Kumar Maji, H. Yahia, O. Pont, T. Fusco, V. Michau, J. Sudre
    A multiscale approach to phase reconstruction for Adaptive Optics
    IEEE 2011 10th International Workshop on Electronics, Control, Measurement and Signals (ECMS 2011), June 1-3, 2011, Liberec, Czech Republic. IEEEXplore.
  • H. Kumar, H. Yahia, D. Singh
    A detailed analysis of multi-sensor fusion of moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer with advanced spaceborne thermal emission and reflection radiometer on classification accuracy for improved land cover classification
    19th European Signal Processing Conference, August 29-September 2, 2011, Barcelona, Spain. HAL archive.
  • J. Winebarger, K. Daoudi, H. Yahia
    Improving SVF with DISTBIC for phoneme segmentation
    SPECOM'2011, Speech and Computer, XIV International Conference, September 27-30, 2011 Russia. HAL archive.
  • J. Sudre, O. Pont, H. Yahia, C. Pottier, V. Garçon
    Optimal decomposition for the evaluation of ocean dynamics
    OST-ST Meeting, Altimetry for Oceans and Hydrology, 18 - 22 October 2010, Lisbon - Portugal
  • J. Sudre, O. Pont, H. Yahia, C. Pottier, V. Garçon
    Evidencing of multiplicative cascading and intermittency in real/synthetic oceanographic signals: application to the evaluation of ocean dynamics
    OST-ST Meeting, Altimetry for Oceans and Hydrology, 18 - 22 October 2010, Lisbon - Portugal. HAL archive.
  • V. Khanagha, K. Daoudi, O. Pont, H. Yahia
    A novel text-independant phonetic segmentation algorithm based on the microcanonical multiscale formalism
    Interspeech 2010, Makuhari, Japan, September 26-30, Hal archive.
  • J. Sudre, H. Yahia, C. Pottier, V. Garçon
    Inferring fluid motion at submesoscale from high resolution remotely sensed data
    Orflow10, Trends in Complex Systems, International Workshop on Living Organisms in Flows: From Small-scale Turbulence to Geophysical Flow, Palma de Majorca, Spain, Hal archive.
  • V. Khanagha, K. Daoudi, O. Pont, H. Yahia
    Application of the microcanonical multiscale formalism to segmentation of speech signals
    European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2010), August 23-27, 2010, Aalborg, Denmark, direct access.
  • J. Sudre, H. Yahia, V. Garçon and C. Provost
    Multi-sensor data fusion through multiscale model : a method for high resolution oriented geostrophy
    GODAE Symposium proceedings,”The revolution in global ocean forecasting”, November 12-15, 2008, Nice, France, direct access.
  • H. Yahia, J. Sudre, C. Pottier and V. Garçon
    Determination of geostrophic vector field on high resolution SST images from the energy cascade
    2009 Ocean Surface Topography Science Team Meeting, Seattle, Washington, USA, June 22-24, 2009.
  • M. Bouali, H. Yahia, A. Turiel and P. Henry
    A Multifractal approach for sun glint in medium resolution satelite imagery
    ASPRS Conference (American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing), 2009, Baltimore (USA), March 8-13, direct access.
  • H. Yahia, A. Turiel, N. Chrysoulakis, J. Grazzini, P. Prastacos, and I. Herlin
    Multifractal pre-processing of avhrr images to improve the determination of smoke plumes from large fire
    in IEEE IGARSS2007, Barcelona, Spain, July 2007, direct access.
  • J. Grazzini, A. Turiel and H. Yahia
    Presegmentation of high-resolution satellite images with a multifractal reconstruction scheme based on an entropy criterium
    in IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), volume 1, pages I : 649–652, Genoa, Italy, September 11-14 2005, IEEEXplore.
  • A. Turiel, J. Grazzini, H. Yahia and I. Herlin
    Approches multié́chelles pour l’extraction d’ensembles significatifs dans les images
    in 14e. Congrès Francophone de Reconnaissance des Formes et Intelligence Artificielle, RFIA’04, Toulouse, France, 28-30 Janvier 2004.
  • J. Grazzini, A. Turiel, H. Yahia and I. Herlin
    Analysis and comparison of functional dependencies of multiscale textural features extracted from spot and meteosat images
    in International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, ”Learning from Earth’s shapes and colors”, IEEE IGARSS2003, volume 3, pages 2045–2047, Toulouse, France, July, 21-25 2003, direct access.
  • A. Turiel, J. Grazzini and H. Yahia
    Entropy estimation and multiscale processing in meteorological satellite images
    in International Conference on Pattern Recognition, ICPR’02, pages 764–768, Québec City (Canada), 2002, access through CS digital library.
  • J. Grazzini, A. Turiel and H. Yahia
    Multifractal analysis of flows in fully developed turbulence : applications to atmospheric entropy estimation and pluviometry
    FisEs 2002, Tarragona, Spain, May 2002, direct access.
  • J. Grazzini, A. Turiel, H. Yahia and I. Herlin
    Edge-preserving smoothing of high-resolution images with a partial multifractal reconstruction scheme
    in Int. Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, ISPRS’04, volume XXXV (B3), pages 1125–1129, 2004, direct access.
  • H. Yahia and I. Herlin
    Image processing of oceanographic images
    in WMC’99, Mission Earth, San Francisco, USA, January 17-20, 1999.
  • V. Garçon et al.
    Climatically-active gases in the Eastern Boundary Upwelling and Owygen Minimum Zone (MOZ) systems
    European Geophysical Union, general assembly, EUG 2012, Vienna, Austria. EGU 2012 web site.
  • V. Khanagha, O. Pont, K. Daoudi, H. Yahia
    Une nouvelle approche non-linéaire pour la segmentation phonétique
    XXIIIe Colloque Gretsi, Bordeaux, 5-8 Septembre 2011. Conference web site.
  • J. Sudre, H. Yahia, O. Pont, C. Pottier, C. Maes, V. Garçon
    Towards high-resolution mapping of ocean dynamics: multiscale fusion between low-resolution altimetry and high resolution sst
    Globcurrents, Needs for Ocean Surface Current Data from Space, ESA DUE GlobCurrent User Consultation meeting Agenda, ESA Ifremer, March 7-9 2012, Brest, France. pdf.
  • C. Pelachaud, M. L. Viaud and H. Yahia
    Rule structured facial animation system
    in Ruzena Bajcsy, editor, 13th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, volume Robotics and Vision, Visual Motion Understanding I, pages 1610–1615, Chamberry, France, August 28 -September 3 1993, Morgan Kaufmann, direct access.
  • M. L. Viaud and H. Yahia
    Facial animation with wrinkles
    in Eurographics Technical Report Series, editor, Third Eurographics Workshop on Animation and Simulation, Cambridge, England, September, 7-11 1992. Eurographics 1992, direct access.
  • M. L. Viaud and H. Yahia
    Facial animation with muscle and wrinkle simulation
    in 2nd International Conference Dedicated to Image Communication, Image’Com93, pages 117–121, Bordeaux, France, March 23-25, 1993.
  • H. Yahia and J. Maillot
    Interactive deformations using linear dynamics
    in IMPA Workshop on Solid Modeling, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, January 1991.
  • J. Maillot and H. Yahia
    Interactive generation of mappable objects
    in IMPA Workshop on Solid Modeling, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, January 1991.
  • C. Puech and H. Yahia
    Quadtrees, octrees, hyperoctrees : A unified analytical approach to tree data structures used in graphics, geometric modeling and image processing
    in ACM Siggeom, editor, 1st ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry, volume 1, Baltimore, June 1985, direct access.
  • H. Yahia and A. Gagalowicz
    Interactive animation of object orientations
    in PIXIM’89, Paris, France, September 25-29 1989.
  • E. Huot, H. Yahia and I. Herlin
    Landslide tracking with a curve evolution model driven by interferometric data
    IGARSS03, 2003, IEEXplore.
  • H. Yahia, E. G. Huot, I. L. Herlin, and I. Cohen
    Geodesic distance evolution of surfaces : a new method for matching surfaces
    in IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, CVPR, Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, June, 13-15, 2000. IEEE Computer Society, pdf file.
  • H. Yahia and I. Herlin
    Modeling oceanographic structures in sea surface temperature satellite image sequences
    in WMC2000 Western Multiconference, San Diego, USA, January 23-27 2000,
    pdf file.
  • E. Huot, H. Yahia, I. Cohen and I. Herlin
    Surface matching with large deformations and arbitrary topology : a geodesic distance evolution scheme on a 3-manifold
    in Sixth European Conference on Computer Vision, ECCV, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland, June, 26-31, 2000, pdf file.
  • E. Huot, H. Yahia and I. Herlin
    A general surface matching model : Application to ground evolution tracking
    in 15th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), Barcelona, Spain, September 3-8 2000. IEEE Computer Society, direct access.
  • V. Parisi-Baradad, H. Yahia and I. Herlin
    A new approach to the temporal evolution of a family of curves
    IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (IEEE ICASSP), Phoenix, Arizona, USA, IEEE, May 15-19 1999, pdf file.
  • V. Parisi, H. Yahia, J. Font, I. Herlin, and E. Garcia-Ladona
    Image motion analysis using scale-space approximation and simulated annealing
    in 5th International Work-Conference on Artificial and Natural Neural Networks, Biological and Artificial Computation : Methodologies, Neural Modeling and Bioinspired Applications, Alicante, Spain, June 2-4 1999. Springer-Verlag (LNCS 540, 686, 930 and 1240), springerlink access.
  • V. Parisi, H. Yahia and I. L. Herlin
    Modeling and temporal evolution of a family of curves
    in 11th Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis (SCIA), volume 1, pages 173–178, Kangerlussuaq, Greenland, June 7-11 1999. Pattern recognition Society of Denmark, pdf file.
  • H. Yahia, J. P. Berroir, and G. Mazars
    Fast and robust level-set segmentation of deformable structures
    in IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), volume 5 : Image and Multi-Dimensional Signal Processing, Very Large Scale Integration for Signal Processing, pages 2765–2768, Seattle, Washington, USA, May 12-15 1998, direct access.
  • H. Yahia, J. P. Berroir, and G. Mazars
    Deriving high level information in meteorological image sequences with implicit functions controlled by particle systems
    in ICCV’98 Workshop on Conceptual Description of Images, ICCV, Mumbai, India, January 2 1998, IEEE.
  • H. Yahia, J. P. Berroir, and G. Mazars
    Model-based segmentation of cloud structures in satellite image sequences
    in IEEE-ICCV’98 International Workshop on Model-Based 3D Image Analysis, ICCV, pages 77–85, Mumbai, India, January 3 1998. ICCV, IEEE Computer Society.
  • H. Yahia and J. P. Berroir
    Segmentation of deformable templates with level sets characterized by particle systems
    in Svetha Venkatesh Anil K. Jain and Brian C. Lovell, editors, 14th Internal Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), pages 1421–1423, Brisbane, Australia, August, 16-20 1998. IEEE Computer Society, IEEE access.
  • H. Yahia and I. Herlin
    Image processing of meteorological images with implicit functions
    in Marie-Odile Berger, Rachid Deriche, Isabelle Herlin, Jérôme Jaffré and Jean-Michel Morel eds, 12th International Conference on Analysis and Optimization of Systems, Lectures Notes in Control and Information Sciences 219, pages 74–81, Paris, France, 1996. Springer Verlag. springerlink access.
  • H. Yahia, J. P. Berroir, and G. Mazars
    A particle system formulation for tracking deformable structures
    in IEEE OCEANS’98 Conference, September 28 - October 1, 1998. IEEE Computer Society, IEEEXplore.
  • V. Parisi, H. Yahia, E. Garcia-Ladona, J. Cabestany, and I. L. Herlin
    Sea surface currents estimation using simulated annealing
    in 24th General Assembly of the European Geophysical Society, The Hague, The Netherlands, April 19-23 1999.
  • H. Yahia and I. Herlin
    Efficient motion modelling and visualization of deformable structures, in Jussi Parkkinen Michael Frydrych and Ari Visa, editors, 10th Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis (SCIA), volume 2, pages 605–612, Lappeenranta, Finland, June 9-11 1997. Pattern recognition Society of Finland, Redoc link.
  • H. Yahia, I. Herlin and L. Vogel
    Temporal tracking of oceanographic images by implicit functions
    in International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), volume III, Track C : Applications and Robotic Systems, pages 969–973, Technical University, Vienna, Austria, 1996. IAPR, IEEE Computer Society, IEEEXplore.
  • Last Updated on Wednesday, 05 June 2024 11:38